Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Real Life

Sometimes it's easy to get into a funk, and think that everyone else has it all together!  That was me last night as I was struggling with dinner for my family.  I had a pretty hectic day, and forgot to set out some chicken to thaw for our dinner, so at dinner time it was still frozen!  So my next option was popcorn chicken from the freezer along with the last of our french fries and to make it healthy I threw in some apples.  In my mind I'm thinking 'This is the worst dinner ever!' and 'I'm the worst mom ever!!'.  No one was complaining or anything, in fact they actually probably preferred that to what I was going make!

Later in the evening when I got on the computer after the kids were in bed I saw this great Keepin' It Real post from My Joy-Filled Life.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Did that make me feel so much better!!! I am not a great housekeeper, in fact I actually hate to clean!  My house isn't dirty, but it is in a constant state of mess.

Anyway, I immediately felt the need to do my own Keeping' It Real Post!  So here ya go, my REAL life!  This is what my home looks like at this very moment!

The Kitchen/Dining Room:

This is our dining table, it does usually have cups, and
other odds and ends on it.  And if you could look even closer
you would see the cereal pile up under the table.

The ever loaded sink!  At least they are clean dishes!

Living Room/Coat Closet:
The ever messy coat closet!  I can't
wait to get those winter things put
The tub that I used earlier to switch out some clothes
for my middle son.  Yes, that is actually mostly my
mess!  I'm as guilty as the kids in this room.

Master Bedroom:
This is the worst part!  Our dresser, filled
with a bunch of who knows what!  A basket of my
crocheting, our curriculum for next year.  And hidden in
corners of this room you will find boxes that have yet
to be unpacked!  We moved in October!

The bed is "made", not really though,
a basket of clothes that is ready to get
passed along to a friend, and an empty
clothes basket!  What you can't see is the amount
of dust piling up on the side tables.

My Oldest Sons Bedroom:

He's a 10 year old boy, enough said!

The Other Two Boys' Room:

Once again, they are 7 and 3!  As hard as I try it just
always looks like this!
Our Basement Family Room:

  This is why we are doing some major purging!
They have way too many things!

Yes it does always look like this!  I make them clean
it once a week, but it just goes back to looking
like this in a matter of hours!

Our Schoolroom/Storage Room:

My desk!  Always a mess!  I have papers
that need graded, preschool items that are
needing to be cut out, and anything else that
manages to make its way on to it!

This is actually pretty neat right now, they boys
desks were pretty well cleaned off.   Definitely not to my
pre kid standards, but the floor is picked up, so I'm

Oh, storage room!  How you need a
major overhaul!  When we moved in I just
threw things into it, and didn't organize it very
well.  That is a major summer project just waiting
to happen!
Well that was very cleansing!  That is a pretty clear picture as to how my house looks at most times!  We do a whole house clean up once a week, and that is usually on Fridays.  I hope you feel encouraged to see this real look into what our home is like.  Don't forget to hop on over to My Joy-Filled Life and see other bloggers real homes too!

You can also join in the fun through Instagram!  Just follow along with this challenge in the graphic below!  Don't forget to use the hashtag #KeepinItRealHomeTour so others can find you!

Feel free to add your link to this Blog Hop!  I'd love to see your real homes!

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