Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Day In the Life

Every year I like to explore my day a bit deeper.  For me, that is doing A Day in the Life post.  It's so fun to go back and take a peek at how my life has changed.  Like last year I had a 9 year old, 6 year old and 2 year old.  My day looks totally different now than it did then!  I tried to get at detailed as possible with out being too boring, I hope you enjoy this little glance into what my day is like.

This was a Tuesday, and this was a pretty typical day for us.

7:15  Kids woke up, and kinda wandered around for a bit before they got dressed and had breakfast
7:20  I actually got out of bed and began my getting ready process
7:45  Zach is crying, so I go to find out why, and it turned out that Noah told him it wasn't time to get up yet and so they were in their room.  I proceeded to tell him he could get up and then he of course wanted me to help him get dressed.  Once that was done, I got him his breakfast and he began to eat.
7:54  On my way back to my bedroom to finish getting ready, I poke my head in and tell Elijah to get up, this is very unusual for him because he is usually up and dressed by this point, but oh well! We are getting to those pre-teen sleeping in days.
8:05 I sit down to begin my morning devotions, get interrupted a few times before I take my self in to our bathroom and turn the fan on to drown out the children being crazy!  Once again not very typical, they usually leave me alone, but since I had been out of the room already that tends to stir the pot!

8:17 Finish devotions and head to the kitchen for my breakfast.
8:30  Finish breakfast and look at my menu to see what is scheduled for dinner, its spaghetti so that's good to know that I don't have to do any prep ahead of time for that.
8:45 we get ready to take Zach to preschool, he begins his day there at 9.

9:10 Back home and we begin our school day.
9:15 Science, we talked about Estuaries.
9:30  Help Elijah with his English.  During this time Noah is playing in the other room

9:45   I begin Math with both of them.

10:15  I do History and Reading with Noah, he is learning to write his own summary sentences, which he did very well on for the first try!  Elijah is off playing in the other room at this point because he finished his math.

10:45  Spelling, Elijah was having a really bad attitude so this lesson was cut short and he ended up just writing his words.
10:50 until 11:15  I take some time to chill out before heading to get Zach, the boys are just playing at this point.  We are in the process of cleaning out some toys, books, and such so I took this time to get those listed in our local Facebook group.
11:17  Head out the door to get Zach from preschool, it ends at 11:30.
11:45  We eat lunch, Elijah usually takes care of his own, he prefers eating leftovers over sandwiches, the other two prefer peanut butter and jelly.  So after getting them all settled I prepare my lunch which today was leftovers from last nights dinner.  Usually I will make a smoothie or not eat anything.  I know very bad!!
12:10  I begin trying to wrangle Zach to finish his lunch so we can get on with his nap time routine.
12:15  Success!!  He is getting settled down for his story time and cuddle time.
12:25  Zach is in his room now until about 3:30 or so.  He can rest or play as long as he stays in his room.
12:30 I begin geography with the older boys, we are learning about Japan so we learned a few new phrases in Japanese.
12:45  Now its time for our Read Aloud, I read two picture books to Noah, and then we continue in Gladys Alward.
1:05  Finally its my quiet afternoon time, the older boys play quietly in the basement while I do my Bible reading, blogging, and whatever else I need to get done.

The rest of our afternoon will proceed like this:
3:00 They get a snack and are allowed to watch an hour of TV
4:00  My hubby usually gets home about this time and we try to have some quiet time to talk together while the kiddos play.
5:00  I begin making dinner and we are usually eating about 5:30
6:00  Is bath time for the boys
7:30  Bed time for all of the boys, Elijah is allowed to stay up until about 8:30 or 9 reading.

That is a pretty typical day!   If you can call any day in the life of a family typical!  I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse!

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