Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sometimes Life Gives You Lemons

Do you ever just feel like you can't catch a break?  That's how I have been feeling lately.  It seems as though we get two steps forward and take 3 steps back.  Let me recap a bit here as to what has been going on in our lives over the past 2 weeks.

It all began about 2 and a half weeks ago.  My husband began saying that his side hurt and he was worried it was a kidney stone.  That went on for a few days and then he said he was feeling better.  After another few days he began to complain more and more about how much pain he was in.  Finally last Tuesday he came home from work after only an hour and decided he needed to get to the doctor.  A visit to the doctor proved what he feared, a kidney stone!  That led to him being in bed for 5 days straight in terrible pain!  He thought the stone passed on Friday night, but he was still having some pain.  He believed it was from the damage that the stone created, but to make sure he called the doctor on Sunday night and they wanted to see him the next day.  So on Monday morning we all went to the doctor with him, bringing some school work to do while we were there.  After about 2 hours the conclusion is that the stone did not pass and it was still there, actually it was still in the same spot!  My poor husband was so frustrated and upset because he is so tired of dealing with this!  Thankfully he isn't experiencing too much pain at this point, and after missing work most of last week he was able to return to work on Tuesday.

 During that time neither one of us was sleeping well, the house was a disaster, school work barely got completed, and the kids were going a little crazy not being able to play with daddy like they are used to.  Needless to say that exhaustion set in pretty bad!

Now lets top off this whole event with poor Elijah waking up at 1:00 in the morning Monday throwing up!  YEAH!!!  This does not happen often in my house, we just do not get that kind of sick. So the poor kid decided to run to the kitchen (still not sure why!), which he threw up all over the floor.  Then I guess he was going to clean that up and went to get a towel and threw up in the towel drawer.  Then I suppose he tried to get to the bathroom and use the toilet, and totally missed the toilet!  It was the bathroom part that my husband and I finally heard him and realized what was going on.  Nothing like getting woken up at 1:00 in the morning to cleaning up throw up all over the house and doing laundry!

Now lets talk about what God showed us during all of this.  A week or two before all of this happened we had made some decisions about where we would like to be within the next year or so.  We had both been praying about where God might lead us and that he would grant us the desires of our hearts.  I can't say definitely right now, but I am pretty sure that we are going to still be in a holding pattern.  We are still praying for some changes to come, and hoping that they might happen soon, but we are learning to be content in our current circumstances and to rejoice in all things!

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