Monday, March 2, 2015

Homeschooling as an Introvert

Today I'm going to venture into my personality type a bit more.  The other day I shared about my teaching style, which is a Perfect Paula type, meaning I like order and a schedule.  My personality is more on the introverted side.  Although I do like to be social and love getting together with friends, I am more comfortable in smaller groups.  This also means that I thrive on down time and quiet time.

So how do I fit that into my busy homeschooling day with three crazy little boys?  Well I'm glad you asked!  I am going to share a few little tips that really help me feel as though I can function a bit more kindly and compassionately with my boys and hubby.

First, quiet time/rest time is scheduled into our day (Perfect Paula coming out!).  Every single day my family has a rest period in the afternoon right after lunch.  This has looked different in different stages of our life.   Right now our quiet time is quite a bit different than it was when we only had a toddler and baby.  We still have nap time for Zach, he is required to stay in his room and play for a certain period of time, right now its usually from 12:00-3:00 but somedays he doesn't fall asleep until about 3:00 so I let him sleep until 4:00.  During this time I finish up school with the older two boys, we do our read aloud time and then by about 1:30 or 2:00 they are playing quietly by themselves.  They can play games, read, do puzzles, legos, or whatever as long as they stay in our family room.  This is the time of day that I take to do my quiet time, Bible reading, and then just chill out!

Second, I make time to go out with girlfriends at least once a month.  I have a few different sets that I go out with.  That just ensures that I get time to be a woman, and not just a mom!  This really helps my mental state of being!  It also helps that I have an amazing husband who understands my need to get out and be by myself or with friends.

Third, I almost always do the grocery shopping by myself!  Not that I really enjoy shopping for groceries, but it lends me about 2 hours every other week to just be in my own little world by myself!

Those are just a few ways that I find help my little introverted self function better!  Any other tips that you have I would love to hear them!

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