Last time I shared a little bit about my background in preschool education. Now I will share a little bit about how our preschool time at home looks.
I love doing units or themes, I think its fun to pull everything together around a certain topic. My favorite places to find preschool units are
Carissa at 1+1+1=1 and
Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations. They partner together and create awesome units and have a bunch to choose from!
When I think about planning our preschool time, I consider first what my child is interested in. Then I think about what things he needs to work on, and what things I know he really enjoys doing.
So our first week in Preschool we did a
Transportation Unit. I know that Zach needs to work on tracing lines, holding a pencil/crayon/marker, and cutting. I also know that he really enjoys puzzles, and painting! So when I found the unit at Homeschool Creations, I saw that she had a good variety of those things in her unit. When I printed it off I just printed what we would use, some of the things in her unit I thought would be to difficult for Zach right now.
I also have adapted a
Tot Tray style to set up our units. Below is a run down of our trays by the day. We are currently only going to be doing two days of preschool at home, but this first week we had some sickness so he didn't go to preschool and we did an extra day at home.
Day 1- (Top L to Bottom R) Tracing page, Melissa and Doug Construction Vehicle Puzzle, Number Clip Cards, School Bus Size Sequence |
Working on the Construction Puzzles |
Working on tracing the lines, I had to help him quite a bit with this. |
Tracing the Lines |
Counting the Airplane |
Number Clip Cards- I found out that this was really hard for him! |
Day 2- (Top L to Bottom R) Tracing the Letter B for Bus, I Love Trains Book, Number Clip Cards, Tracing Page |
I realized that I didn't get pictures the first day of him doing this and he asked to do it on the second day, so we did. |
School Bus Size Sequencing
As you can see, I didn't get many pictures the second day of our week. Some of the activities were repeats though.
Day 3- (Top L to Bottom R) H is for Helicopter, Tracing Page, What Color is the Helicopter, 3 Piece Vehicle Puzzles |
He loved these little puzzles. |
Working on those 3 piece vehicle Puzzles |
What color is the Helicopter? |
He had a lot of fun finding the right colors to trace with. |
H is for Helicopter writing page, all he did was color the helicopter. He was pretty much done with school at this point.
On day three I really pushed the writing because he didn't get much of it this week and its an area he really needs work on, not so much the writing part but holding the marker/pencil part. He struggles greatly with fine motor so I am working hard at incorporating that into his school time.
Our preschool time takes place first thing in the morning and lasts at the most about 30 minutes. I plan to continue this theme into next week as well because there were a few activities that we didn't get to that I would like to do.
We also used three books for our school time, Alphabeep, I Love Trains, and I Love Trucks.
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