Monday, August 26, 2013

A Day in the Life....

I am currently homeschooling a 3rd grader (8 years old), a Kindergartener (5.5 years old), and I also have a 2 year old tag along.  So here is a little glimpse into what a day is like at my house!

I posted our schedule a few weeks ago, and in that post I mentioned how its just a basic guideline to how I would like our day to go.  So that is always my starting point, and then whenever I feel like I have gotten off track I always turn back to the schedule to see what I should be doing.  

I am recording what today was like, Monday August 26.

6:30 am- I get up to have some quiet time
7:00 am- I shower and get ready for the day
7:35 am- Time to get the kiddos up, which by the way they are ALWAYS up, never have I had to wake them up!  (We recently instated the rule that they are to stay in their beds until I come to get them, with the exception of using the bathroom!)  As soon as they get up, they make their beds and get dressed, while I work on getting the two year old dressed.
8:00 am- Breakfast, this morning it was an English muffin for Elijah, Toast with peanut butter and jelly for Noah, and pancakes from the freezer for Zach.
8:15 am- clean up breakfast and then time to begin chores, chores are finished before we begin school (I will be sharing about how our chore system works later this week!)
8:45 am- I sit down to play rice with Zach while the other two are playing quietly.  We are easing into our school schedule, so we were beginning our day with some quiet play.
9:00 am- Elijah begins school with 15 minutes of reading from his Book Basket, he chose to read Pedro's Journal, a diary about Christopher Columbus.  Noah plays with the play dough for a while and Zach soon joins him.
9:30 am- Elijah and I sit down to go over his Bible lesson, while the other two were playing quietly (ok, so maybe not really quietly, but they were playing)
9:45 am- Time for our first Math U See lesson!  It make me laugh but all three of them love watching the videos!  Maybe because the TV is on!
10:15 am- Snack and Outside time!  Today I decide that its such a beautiful morning (and its supposed to be SUPER hot this afternoon!), that we would play outside until lunch.
11:30 am- Lunch time!!  During lunch I read a bit from our History lesson for the day, we are talking about Christopher Columbus this week.  That is met with, a 2 year old being done with lunch and ready to get down, followed shortly by him peeing his pants.  After that I look at the clock and decide its close enough to nap time, so we got through our hug and kiss ritual (he thinks he can't sleep with out hugs and kisses from both boys first, its really pretty cute!).  With him down for a nap we finish the history reading.
12:10 pm- Start our calendar time, I prefer doing this in the morning but neither boy was into to it today so I put it off until later.
12:20 pm- Time for Noah to do his Kindergarten work, and Elijah begins working on his Handwriting.
12:45 pm- Finished with school for the day!

You can also check out what last year was like with a 2nd grader, Pre K'er, and infant here!

So what does your day look like??

I am linking this post up to the 5th Annual NOT Back to School Hop sponsored by the iHomeschool Network!  Be sure to hop over and check out what others are saying about their days!

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