Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Day in the Life: Homeschooling Edition

Last year I did " A Day in the Life"  post and found it quite interesting.  That was prior to homeschooling, so now I think its time to do A Day in the Life: Homeschooling edition!   So here it is, this was done on January 22, 2013.  I am homeschooling an 8 year old boy, a 5 year old boy and then we also have a VERY active 17 month old boy.  For this I just recorded our morning routine and our homeschool day, since it can get a little tedious to jot things down through out the day.  I do have to say that it was after breakfast before I remembered that I wanted to record things this day!  YUP!!  That's how it goes, so up until about 8:15 things are just a rough estimate!  With out further ado here is our day:

6:15  Our alarm goes off and hubby get up, I on the other hand get to sleep another half an hour, and by golly I'm gonna take it!
6:45  I get up and get myself showered and together
7:25  This is my quiet time for the day, I do my devotions and have some prayer time.  My children are supposed to be either still sleeping or playing quietly, but I hear that things are getting a bit out of hand.  So I unfortunately cut my prayer time a bit short in order to tame the madness that is sure to ensue shortly!
7:45   Get Zach up, changed and dressed all the while trying to convince the other two to get dressed.  Although I can't really blame them for not wanting to, it is after all a whopping 2 degrees outside!  So I give in and let them stay in their PJ's, after all I am in my comfy clothes too!
8:00  Its breakfast time, and of course every one decides they want something different.  I normally don't allow this but I realized that we had muffins left over from the other day and they need to be eaten, so Elijah has a muffin, Zach and Noah get pancakes (from the freezer), and I settle for a bowl of cereal.
8:15  After a quick clean up, I take a little time with Zach to play and "fill his attention cup" (something new I am trying).  That lasts for about 5 minutes, when Noah comes in asking to play the iPad.  When I tell him he can't play right now but he can play after his school work is done, he promptly asks to begin school.  He leaves the room only to come back a few minutes later with the book that was in his first box.  Meanwhile I have Elijah asking for help with his English assignment.  So much for one on one time with Zach!
8:25  Begin school with Noah
8:45  Elijah and Zach get kicked out of the school room for being crazy, they are sent to play blocks in the living room.  (During my school time with Noah Elijah is  supposed to be entertaining Zach, that doesn't always happen but we are working towards it!)  Their play time only lasted about 10 minutes until they were back to wreak more havoc.
9:00  Finish school with Noah and begin with Elijah, while Zach continues to destroy the school room. Noah is finally getting his iPad time.
9:05  Zach begin his daily crying, yes this is a daily occurrence, the kid doesn't deal well with not having someone to play with.
9:40  Finished up Math and History with Elijah and now he is taking his 15 minutes of silent reading time.  I try to sit down and play with Zach, but am quickly interrupted by Noah asking if its snack time.
9:50  I give in and give snacks, because since the mention of snacks Zach has been following me around crying and saying "Juice", "Cracker".
10:00  I take this time while they are eating snack to get started on our dinner, which is chili tonight.  Upon starting the dinner I wonder why I didn't brown the beef last night while I was making dinner, thinking that would have saved me some time.  Oh well maybe I will remember next time!  (Probably not!)
10:20  Finished making the chili and cleaning up so I sit down to get on Facebook and check some email, while I listen to fighting boys in the other room.
10:45  I realize that I should probably be getting some cleaning done since they are all occupied.  So I get up and start to clean.
11:20  Start preparing lunch, pretty excited that the boys entertained themselves that long so I could get some stuff done.
11:30  Throw in a load of laundry before sitting down to lunch.
11:40  Clean up lunch while the boys continue their game of battle fields or Star Wars, I am never really sure, but they are playing with each other and not fighting!
12:00  Mail arrives with a special package of some new pattern blocks, the boys get pretty excited about helping me open the box.  They thought it was legos, sorry boys!
12:10  Change Zach and put him down for his nap
12:15  Begin Elijah's spelling lesson
12:30  Finish spelling and now Elijah will get some iPad time while Noah plays legos.

There you have it!  That is an average homeschooling day here!  What does a day look like in your homeschool?  Do you start early or late?

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