Monday, January 28, 2013

Menu Monday

One of the greatest things I have found that helps my day go smoothly is having a menu plan!  I love that its already planned out for me so I am not running around at about 4:30 trying to find something to put on the table at 5:30.  Its happened, and its not fun!!!

Here is how I work my menu, first of all I always plan my menu while doing my grocery list.  I do this in order to make sure that I have everything I will need for the meals I plan.  I usually try to sit down on Friday afternoons and plan my meals for the next two weeks, then I write my list accordingly.

Here is our menu for this week:

Sunday:  Leftovers
Monday:  Pork Chops
Tuesday:  Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups
Wednesday:  BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
Thursday:  Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Friday:  Pizza
Saturday:   TBD (meaning I am hoping to go out!)

I don't usually plan side dishes because I know that we will either have salad or a vegetable of some kind. My kids do not eat that much so I try not to make too much.  You can also see that we are not that adventurous in our eating, once again I have picky kids, so I try to make things that they will eat.  The Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups (Tuesday) are a new recipe, I am hoping they won't notice the spinach!

I also have my menu posted in my kitchen, that way everyone knows what is for dinner.  Usually Noah will ask Elijah what's for dinner and Elijah will go to the menu and tell him.   That saves me from having to answer the question "What's for dinner?" ten times a day!

A friend of mine and I  made these cute little menu boards a while back, I love it!  I have most of my meals written on cards and they are stored in the little box attached.  I also keep a little notebook attached so I can write out our two weeks worth of meals.  I then also use it to jot down items that I am running low on or out of.

How do you plan your meals?  I would love to hear some of your ideas and maybe some recipes too!

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