Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A time for rest

I have been having the "January Blues" lately.  We have had such weird weather here in the midwest, one day it feels like spring and the next it feels like winter!  That is really playing with my mood and attitude.

I am, by nature, and introverted person.  I have always been a low energy, quiet, curl up on the couch type of girl.  So for that reason I love winter, its kinda my excuse to curl up and "hibernate".  I love cozy slippers, sweatpants and sweaters.  I feel bad for my hubby who has to come home to me in my comfy clothes almost every night.

Lately though I have been feeling kinda guilty for feeling that way.  Like I should be doing more with my kids in the afternoons.  Then it hit me, that if I take some time to rest then I am a much happier mommy later.  So I have quit feeling guilty and I take my time to rest in the afternoons.

Its not necessarily that I need a nap, its just a time to recover my brain.  So in the afternoons, from about  1:30 until maybe 3 I allow myself to check Facebook, email, play games on our iPad or if I feel it necessary I take a nap.

So what are my children doing at this time you might ask?  Well Zach is usually napping, and the other two are usually either playing Legos or watching a movie.  I know shocking, my homeschooled children watching a movie!  But in all honesty I feel that they need the down time as well.  I have tried multiple things to keep them occupied and mostly it just ended in fighting or rough housing.  Our house isn't the biggest and there is not really a good place for them to go that isn't disturbing their baby brother who is napping.  So yes they watch a movie!

How do you find rest in your day?

1 comment:

  1. Same here, with the weird weather (Northeast). I too would rather be curled up on the couch. I work overnights. So I try not to stop until hubby gets home to relieve me (mid-afternoon). Because if I hit that couch, there's no getting me back up and the whole day is a wash. I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
