No day here is ever the same, but on a typical day this is what happens:
At 6:30 I wake up and shower, while Elijah is usually awake Noah on the other hand will sometimes sleep until 7 or later. They are required to stay in bed until 7:30 reading. At 7:00 I have some quiet time while my hubby is getting ready for work. Then I begin to prepare breakfast. At 7:30 they are to get up, potty and dress themselves. I get the Zach up and dressed. About 7:45 we are sitting down to breakfast. After breakfast we do a quick clean up and I begin a few chores, while the older boys go outside and play for a about 15-20 minutes. Then at 8:30 ish, we begin our school day, which always begins with calendar time. During our calendar time we do the days of the week, months of the year, weather, how many days we have been in school and then temperatures (inside and outside).
Calendar Time |
After calendar time, Noah gets to play his learning games on the iPad, and Elijah and I begin his school day with math, then phonics or language. About 9:00 I put Zach down for his morning nap. After that I spend some time with Noah doing his "school" while Elijah works independently on Spelling, and handwriting. At 9:30 Elijah does his read aloud to me, and then after that we take a break until about 10:15. At 10:15 we do either Science or History depending on the day, Noah will usually join us for Science, but not History. He had the option to either play in his room, or get something out of our closet, which is puzzles, manipulative and that type of thing.
Noah playing his iPad learning games. |
Elijah using the Bananagrams do practice his spelling. |
Lunch is at 11:15 and after that we have some more clean up time and then some some afternoon chores.
I just had to throw a picture of Zach in here, he is enjoying his lunch! |
Elijah doing his chore of unloading the dishwasher. |
At 12:00 we either prepare to run errands or if we are going to be home we have some read aloud time. At 1:00 they each take some quiet time in their respective places (Noah in their room, Elijah in our room, and Zach is usually going down for another nap). They have quiet time for about an hour, then they can get up and either play outside or do some more "closet activities" until 3:00. Sometimes in the afternoon I will do a craft or art project with them. On this day we did a sailboat craft.
At 3:00 we have a snack and then go outside. At 4:00 they are allowed to watch TV (PBS) until about 5:00, then its time to get dinner ready. They usually help by setting the table or playing with Zach. Depending on the dinner, Elijah will sometimes help with the prep. At 5:30 my hubby gets home and we sit down to dinner. After dinner we have our family Bible lesson, and then clean up dinner and get baths. By 7:00 the boys are playing in their room and bedtime is 8:00.
That is a typical day in our homeschool!! I have a schedule that we try to follow and that helps our day run pretty smoothly for the most part.
This post is linking up to the
iHomeschool Network Not Back to School Hop!!
Hey Sasha! Thanks for posting your schedule. This is something that I like to see--- I always wonder how it might work for us when we homeschool... :-)- Leslie Apel