Friday, February 20, 2015

Selling and Buying a House Part Two

Last time I gave a run down of what our summer looked like.   Today I'll talk about the challenges we faced when trying to actually get moved in to our new house!

Like I said before, we had about a two week gap, or so we thought, from the time we closed on our old house and when we were able to close on the new house.  Talk about nerve-wracking!  After some negotiating with our sellers we were able to get our closing date moved up to October 2, they had actually already moved out of state.  We still ended up with two nights in a hotel but that was better than a week!

At our home inspection, everything went well, no major issues!  Yeah!  Then came the termite inspection, he found no termites, because he stepped into the house and was instantly covered in FLEAS!!!  Yup, the house was infested with fleas!!  So we had to get it bug bombed, and argue with the sellers to get them to pay for it!  So what happened was they sprayed for the fleas and then they would come back 7 days later and spray again to kill off all the ones that hatched from eggs that had been laid.  In between that time we closed on the house, on October 2 which was the day that I flew out to visit my parents with the boys.   Yes, I still went because we already had the tickets purchased.

I was pretty nervous flying by myself with the three boys.  Two of them are old enough that I wasn't too worried but then I had the 3 year old too!  Thankfully all went well!  I was armed with snacks and electronic devices!  Including an iPad and DVD player with DVDs they hadn't seen before.  Our trip to my parents was a great vacation away from the stressful summer that we had had.  We did a lot of really fun stuff, including Legoland!

While I was away my husband was able to stay with his parents.  On a side note, I forgot to mention that a week before we were to be out of the old house our van broke down!  So we had to get a rental for about 2 weeks.  It was actually a great blessing in disguise, the rental van had a DVD player that our van does not.  It was a total life saver!  Especially since we had to be out of the house early in the morning and couldn't check in to the hotel until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and my husband had to work.

Ok back to the story, while I was gone we had a few more issues come up, the hot water heater was not working and my husband thought he saw more fleas even after the second treatment.  Our house had to get super bombed a third time to get rid of the fleas, thankfully we hadn't moved anything in yet.  As far as the hot water heater, well that wasn't able to get fixed until after I came home.  So we ended up spending two nights at my in laws house, before we finally got moved in and had hot water!

That about sums up our summer house adventure!  We are so blessed to be where we are and love our new house!  Next time I will tell you a little about it!  Maybe even show a few pictures!

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