Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Preschool Program- Part 1

At the beginning of the year I had high hopes for our little preschool program.  After all, that is where my college degree lies, in early childhood education.  With lots of research and thought I ordered a preschool program that I thought would be perfect for us.  Well after suffering through trying to plan it and figure out how it all would flow together, I finally figured out how to fit it to our schedule.  I tried it for a week, and guess what, huge fail!!  It just was too involved for our needs.  I needed a quick program that would allow me to spend about 30 to 45 minutes a day working with Noah.  This program was like an all morning affair!  It was all inclusive, meaning it had Bible, science, math, reading, writing, ect.  I just did not have that kind of time to sit with just him and work, not to mention it was not interesting to him.  So I went back to the drawing board and thought I would just use some of the workbooks I had bought for him, well unlike his older brother, he HATES workbooks!!  Using workbooks lasted about 2 weeks before I gave up!

I had been seeing these preschool packs all over the internet, they are themed around a story or some characters.  So the very first one I used was The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Noah LOVED it!!  They had some work pages that he did without complaining, because they were fun!  So since the middle of September we have been using the preschool packs as our curriculum.   There are so many ideas and so many ways to use them I feel that they have given us the freedom to pick and choose what works for him and what interests him.

Noah has very limited fine motor skills, he struggles to hold a pencil, use scissors, and things like that.  On the other hand he is crazy about Legos and has no trouble maneuvering those little pieces, go figure!  Imagine my surprise at his reaction to one of the activities in the packet, Write the Room!  This is one of his favorite and I have even made my own to go with packets that didn't have them because he loves it so much!  I am so happy to see him enjoying writing, and he is so cute walking around the room with his little clipboard and paper!

Here are my favorite places to find the Preschool Packs:

Homeschool Creations
2 Teaching Mommies
Mammas Learning Corner

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