Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Fun

Summer has officially began at our house!  Well, at least last week it did.  This summer we are venturing into new territory, baseball!  Elijah decided that he would like to play baseball this summer, which is great!  Noah wanted to play Tee Ball but we said not this year.  Since our soccer debacle a few years ago we now do not allow them each to play the same sport.

What was the soccer debacle you ask?  Well two years ago, we thought it would be fun to let them both play soccer in the fall.  What ended up happening is that they each had 2-3 games per week, that meant we were at the soccer fields pretty much every night of the week, and every saturday morning (sometimes twice on saturday because of games that had big gaps between them).  Most of their game times overlapped!  After that we decided that until our kiddos were a bit bigger, meaning we didn't have a toddle to chase around, we were not allowing them to play the same sport.  The reason we came to this is because neither one of them were really all that interested IN the sport, just the IDEA of the sport.

Noah this summer will be doing a soccer camp, its one morning a week for 6 weeks.  That satisfied his need for something to do and it doesn't conflict with baseball.

Our other summer plans include 3 Vacation Bible Schools, a garage sale, a trip to Six Flags and a trip to the Creation Museum, also lots of time with nana and papa who will be visiting us this summer from down south.  We will also get a rare visit from some cousins who live out of state and we haven't seen in 2 years.

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