CHRISTmas season we will be focusing on the true meaning, which is celebrating our Saviors birth! Every year I get these grand ideas about what we should do to get our focus on Jesus, and every year we get about half way through the Advent season and drop it! I was determined
NOT to let that happen this year! I didn't really look very hard, or spend a lot of time researching Advent activities, I just saw this one and decided that is what we will be doing. So I bought the eBook and began gathering our supplies.
We are using
Truth in the Tinsel by Amanda White, she created this awesome Advent eBook! Each day there is a scripture to read, and a craft to make. The best part I think is that you can just read it right on your iPad, or ereader! I actually printed it out though, because I still like to have a hard copy in my hand. I love it because it really focuses on each aspect of Christmas. She originally created it to be done with her kids, who I believe were 3 and 5, so that is where the crafts are focused, meaning they are simple and easy to do. BUT I did hear that kids as old as 13 and as young as 2 were doing and enjoying them. She also has ornaments that you can print out if you are not wanting to do the full craft, the kids can just color them and hang them up.
I think I have said in the past that my kids are not crafty! They really don't like to just sit down and work on "crafty" projects! So I was a little hesitant, but I figured whether they do the craft or I end up doing it they will still get the message from the scripture reading. So I planned on just making one craft per day, instead of letting them each do one, thinking that they could just take turns working on it. Much to my surprise on day 1 I asked Noah (he is my less crafty kid) if he wanted to make one too, and he said he did! We are on day 6 now and he has enjoyed every single craft we have done so far! This is just amazing! So I can tell you that this is a fun engaging process that even reluctant crafters can do! Here is what we have done this week:

You can still jump on the bandwagon and get started! She has different ways in the book to go through it. If working on it everyday is overwhelming, then you can just pick a few days to do, and she has a schedule worked out for that!