It's School Room week at the
iHomeschool Network Blog Hop! So if you have come from there, thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy taking a peak at where we do school in our home.
In years past we have kept most of
our learning in just one room. We live in a split level home that has a great space in the basement area for a school room. Before we moved into this house 2 years ago we schooled in
one of our three bedrooms turned into a school room.
This year I decided that I wanted a space where we could all sit and do our memory work, morning time and art projects together. We had been given this old table from my husbands grandma when she passed away. Yes the chairs don't match, but the chairs that came with the table were not that great. I had a friend that graciously gave me three of those chairs and the other one we already had. So that is what we are now using as our together work space. It is working wonderfully!!
Here is our table that we use, on the table I have a supply carousal which holds pencils, markers, and colored pencils. On the floor on the left is my morning basket.
We will be using the whiteboard for our Classical Converstions memory work. I have each subject label taped onto the board. Hanging above the whiteboard is our timeline cards, I found those boards with clips in the Target dollar spot. Something new that we will be doing this year is saying our pledges. I found that poster from CBD and it has the American flag, the Bible and the Christian flag pledges on it.
On this bookcase are all the materials that my kids will use for morning time. On the top shelf is our CD player, a basket with CD's and our Mystery of History memory card box. The second shelf has a basket with dry erase markers (white), our CC memory cards (mint green), a box of crayons, and in the red basket are our map Trivium Tables, under the baskets are their map placemats. On the third shelf is a box of play dough, and Elijah's morning basket. On the bottom shelf is Zach's and Noah's morning baskets. Each child has their own basket that holds their morning time binders, science binders and a small whiteboard. In the green basket on the bottom are Elijah's books that he will be reading independently this year, he decided that that was a good place to put it.
We also still use our school room to do independent work.
This is Elijah's desk, in a little room off our our school room. |
This is Noah's desk in the same room as Elijah's. |
This is Zach's school area. He has this little table, and the workboxes behind it. |
A look at the big picture from the hallway. |
The room that Elijah and Noah work in is off to the left when you walk into our school room. This room is quite spacious, and could hold everyones desks but I find that the older two get distracted when I am teaching Zach and they need a little bit of separation.
Here is where I keep all of our art supplies and curriculum that we aren't using at the moment. It is also a catch all sometimes! This is the room that Elijah and Noah's desks are in. |
In our school room I have an Ikea Expedit shelving unit. I love it!! On that bookshelf I keep a lot of my current teachers manuals, early readers, and our read alouds that we will be using for the year.
We also have a bunch of manipulatives that we keep in the blue bins at the bottom. We keep our dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases here as well.
On the other side of the Ikea Expedit is a space for our awesome beanbag chair and our whiteboard that we use for All About Reading and All About Spelling.
It is certainly not the most organized of spaces but it seems to be functioning well for us at the moment. If you are interested in seeing other school room spaces then you should hop on over to the
iHomeschool Networks Blog Hop, there are lots of different ideas just floating around there!
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